Friday, December 17, 2010

Daily Contemplation: In God's World

In God's World...

God is the substance of love within you than
Binds your cells, tissues, muscles, organs and bones
All your systems and brain and
Its extensions of the spine throughout your body
You are formed from memory into a living organism.
In the Mind of God,
Is there anything you should worry about?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daily Contemplation

In God's World...

Everyone seeks to feel the way they think they should....we even  get the guidance to our greatest fears or aspirations. The angelics, guardians, universal beings of all types are helping us to fulfill our dreams and desires...our deepest and most unspoken fear or aspiration.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daily Contemplation: In God's World

In God's World

There is a much greater responsibility that happens in our awareness as we become more acutely conscious of our conversations that we create as prayer.

After all, every word, every thought and every action is our living prayer.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Daily Contemplation: In God's World

In God's World

We get to observe experience

That turn into patterns.

Our experience emanates into the world.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We know that energy cannot be destroyed.

It is as tho energy is always folding and enveloping with new patterns...

Similar to kneading bread but without the work.

And always using mind.

Waiting to be discovered with greater creativity.

...Do you know what I mean?


Friday, December 10, 2010

Daily Contemplation: In God's World

In God's World

Our current state of mind is always reflective and dependant upon how deeply we choose to "Believe" in something. This is the way of Spirit.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Daily Contemplation: In God's World

In God's World....

There is nothing more to it...intuition is Extremely real.
As we are conscious in this realm that we live in,
We know that we are intuitive;
We are consciously intuitive according to our acceptance and trust of our knowing.
Let's have fun together,
Let's practice this again!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Center of Symmetry Appointments, Nationally Known Healer Mark Earlix

Healer and Intuitive:Mark Earlix

will work with your pain, biological and neurological distress, disease, skeletal and chronic aches or complaints.

Appointments for Healing and Counseling

Center of Symmetry
212 Loiuse Avenue (off West End)
Nashville, 37203

I have been a Healer and Intuitive for 39 years. I have worked with people who have had physical aches and pains, neurological and biological dilemmas and emotional situations.
I can most likely help you.

With a personal appointment, the session may need more than one time to resolve a situation. Most people experience their concern to significantly dissipate or completely go after the first visit.

I do not prescribe, diagnose, or tell anyone they are healed.

Mark Earlix 615.719.0904  E-Mail:  Facebook: Mark Earlix

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chaotic Self 2

Chaos Denotes Change

“There is no other reality except for the Mind of the Godliness that we dwell within. If we choose, we can willingly act and do well in God. This is the only way... this is the Way”.

There are only two paths given to us to become conscious; Meditation including contemplation and communion (becoming one) in God. And the other is; through the Prayer from our heart as a means to know God by using prayer for oneself and others.

The more we practice these two revelations, the more that is revealed to us from within. All decisions are up to us. We were born with the ability to exercise our “free-will’ in Its’ unconditional accessibility.

It is also our choice in being “willing” to discover our “Gifts of the Spirit” within us; this is utilized by our free will in recognition that there is something more than the “me or I”.

Through the exercise of free will, we allow ourselves to perceive another personality in God.

Working with developing or praying for awareness of a Gift(‘s) from within (even if we are not conscious of any Gift that we carry) will create revelation (to be revealed from within) of potential within you.  Just as in my life; different evolutions in healing and seeing developed through the awareness of other possibilities and the desire to explore (through focus) the potential and its manifestations.

Look within to find your “Gift(‘s), these are waiting to be rediscovered.

Observe yourself and watch the patterns in the world you emanate.  Become conscious of your patterns and learn from the patterns.

Find out how your Intuition is actually the revelation for you.  There is more revelation in the observation.  Then, without the judgment of everything that we would normally have with every event, the patterns are made more obvious for us to learn from. It is through this objective observation of ourselves that chaos is made into simple quickened change that we have forgotten was even there.

God bless you in Its Light,


Mark Earlix, Healer-Intuitive
FaceBook: Mark Earlix

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chaotic Self 1

Chaotic Self 1

Chaos is always happening on all levels in our consciousness and also all around us in the atmosphere of our life. Chaos is an aspect and identification of our degeneration. And chaos is the inevitable demarcation that change is forming into new life.

As we begin to notice the shift of living…this is the time to delve into, attempt to search for a sense of identification and integration and find that peace within your Self. The shift we feel is the downtime; the transition that can be made smooth... by us, and not by some god that is 3 blocks up and 4 blocks to the north. Nor can it be made smooth by thinking that “this is our time to be depressed, worried or fearful but just by being aware of the change that is happing”.

All that is happening in our life at this time is really the answer to our initiated prayer that was expressed from our heart from a long time ago or more recently. This prayer was initially set into motion through our desire by prior chaotic change.

You can align yourself now with others like yourself.  Find them… those that are also searching and those that are finding a greater meaning and joy in life.

Obviously, as we align ourselves with the “destructive others”, we also find the destructive nature within ourselves. If this is true, then we ultimately have the availability to utilize “free-will” to determine which wisdom we choose to live within life.

Otherwise, the events of your current groups and friends, the venue of the preferred patterned experiences will turn you cold and harden you to continually find yourself living in the old patterns of fear, depression and anxiety.

The older established patterns that were used to negate yourself will destroy the psyche of enthusiasm, creativity and the moral nature in your search for God within… this is the way of the “mass-mind consciousness”.

The mass mind has no focus and teaches no focus... only the destructiveness through self-absorption by perpetuated thinking.  Reaction and its engaging, is a means to no end, no way out.

“Look deeply into your Self for the peace”.

God bless you in Its Light,

Mark Earlix, Healer-Intuitive
FaceBook: Mark Earlix

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Way To Understand Healing Part 2

The creative force we have within us is why we are referred to as "ye are God's". The more empowerment we learn to take on an experience of life and awareness of this experience, the more we perceive and receive of this information. It is no different than; say we are working on a project or are wondering about something, we work on it for days and days with our whole heart and mind. We are puzzled how to approach an aspect of its fulfillment and work to solve part of it.

Then, one night while dosing before sleep, or in the middle of the night while in deep sleep or in the shower or durring focused work, it hits you right between the eyes, a revelation, an understanding, a site of knowing or a hearing of understanding. Inside your head you have a vision on the screen behind the eyes.

Well, you were only curious, you didn't make up the answer! It came to you, meaning that it came to you from another source, through you. Can you comprehend that? Bring this understanding into your mind.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Way To Understand Healing Part 1

There is really nothing to write on in working with healing. It has always been simple; you are working with emanating consciousness through your hands. There is nothing else to base healing on than that. What makes me better at it then you and most people on earth is that I learned that secret 38 years ago and have practiced at it since then. The "gift" of healing was really just the sight of that, "the trust of that".

Trust is based upon knowing and accepting. I saw that it worked and trusted it. None of the healing has to do with you. It is not me/you doing anything in the first place. Remember when I previously mentioned that you are "working with emanating consciousness through your hands"? Well, I did not say that it was my consciousness. It is of a greater consciousness than we carry. It is of a consciousness we might refer to as super-subconscious intelligence that carries Itself thru our Souls information. This is the same counsciousness which also carries the information of the cells to adhere in our shape of humanity, the organs to function as they do.

This is the same consciousness which has a role in the missions we fulfill in our life and the known and unknown interactions unconsciously. It is the carrier of the information we get to call our gut feeling and intuition. This consciousness also is the carrier of  our coming into evolution... the heart to heart communications. And, for some the evolution as permeating into heart and mind and then even fewer from mind to mind communications.

This is all the same intelligence that helps us to be born with life from life in the mind of others ability to replicate humanity through the act of love… by whatever way we know to express it and from a greater mind that we call God.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


One of the techniques I work with involves the term "morphic field."

Quantum science refers to morphic fields as a "field of information." This information emulates us and emanates forth from within us, which carries our life's history and does makeup our constitution at any given moment.

The information expresses in vision or hearing of which both come from our knowing.

We know, because we have experienced it at one time or other, consciously or subconsciously.

An Exercise to Practice:

We can place our hands two to six inches away from another's body (palms facing the other person) and through the sensory of the surface of our palms (coexisisting with the other persons morphic field); we can sense the heat, coldness, electrical sensation, even pressure or pictures that emanat from another person or from our self. This might take practice, but always, it will take trust.

The more we practice, the more we are learning to trust.

Then, as we feel the anomaly of actual sensation, there will follow a momentary vision or other momentary sense that incorporates pictures that can be perceived. These pictures might occur in an abstract manner
or thru one of our senses that can be immediately understood.

The more often we practice and trust that we really did perceive these pictures purposefully, this will also increase in event quality, quantity and duration.

Once we perceive this information, initially and purposefully we can allow the other scene or icon (living picture) to dwell in you're thinking. Then contemplate it for a few moments, or minutes. See what it really means to another in their life.

Don't be so quick to make loud the voiced opinion or prophecy or Soul reading etc.

What we see is always only a small piece of what is waiting to be re-discovered in our life or of a person's life in determining what has reflected in them of who they are, what they are and why they are today.

Now for a taste of humility; All that we percieve in another also equates to what we have somewhere within our memory as well. If not, we wouldn't be able to relate to it. So, in a sense of understanding, this other person is our avatar.

Please let me know how the exercise went for you.

Please feel free to comment. Click in the subscribe button... it is free.

In The Grace And Love Of God,

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have You Seen Anything Lately?

Focus, focus and focus. It doesn't matter what you are doing or how. It doesnt matter what spiritual tools you are using. Secrets are revealed through focus. While beginning to understand this, is when we see the true colors of life.

Sincerely in the Grace of God,

Mark Earlix

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Think About This

We find that our thinkings with less internalized conversation and more observing objectively does and will fluster our normal patterns of dysfunctional thinking. This very act of conscious awareness changes us in some way. So that when an old pattern begins to set itself up again and begins to play itself out, the old pattern might feel awkward to us that we actually no longer feel part of it nor the desire to participate, entertain and dance with it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

There Are No Gifts

We have such wonderful gifts within and we feel and bare the fear to acknowledge and express them.

We think and feel (from our life's experiences) that gifts are unattainable, that they are for the special few or that we are not worthy for the damn good reasons we conjure within ourselves. We are afraid to ask the Godliness within to show them to us.

In reality there are no gifts!

If we think there are gifts, then for sure we also think that God is outside of us... He must be three blocks up and four to the north. Gosh, what a way to live and function in life. It must be difficult to live in a superstitious world and also to feel less then...

You see, in reality and truth this is a way we have been born into. This is the way our influences, families, friends and the world around us have swayed our thinking, though inside we keep getting reminded about another way, to be free within.

In the freedom is the clarity of who, what and why we are today. Before, during and after this understanding begins we find that the expression of Self comes forth. One analogy might be expressed as though; within us we have a living sun/Son that is super subconscious of Its Self living inside of us. This Self is what is impregnated and available within us as we began to become conscious of Its being. We are the externalized expression of this being according to our consciousness and openness.

And you think others have gifts?

You are the gift. You are the living gift from the source of all. There is no external-God, it's within us constantly guiding and directing us seven days a week, 24 hours a day and every moment of your life.

Please let me know how this article relates to you.

Please feel free to comment. Click on the subscribe button... it is free.

Sincerely and in the love of God,
Mark Earlix

Sunday, February 28, 2010

To Touch Another

Quantum science refers to it as a "field of information." This information emulates and emanates forth from within us, which carries our life's history and does makeup our constitution at any given moment.

Friday, February 26, 2010

God Does Not Care Whether...

If God wanted you to have a lot of money, he/she will give it to you, no problem.

No, it's something you have inside of yourself. It’s totally up to us to know what we want ... That very understanding itself will create something. It's totally up to us to decide what we want. It's totally up to us to prove the manifestation of our dreams and desires, our knowingness and decisions. The proving is to go after it. It's learning to be comfortable with ourselves and realizing our simplicity's. This is also learning how to know our Self. But not everything is for us.

There are some gray/unknown areas of life that we just don't fit into. These things are not necessarily in our paths of life and there are many. We are constantly weaving in and out of our histories creating the next moment. Perceptions are flowing to us from these histories that we build upon and base our existence in. Just as there are some people that aren't going to like us. But these things are OK.

New perceptions, dreams and intersession of revelation is constantly influencing in our sight. These images are also based upon our experiences, our history. This is almost like the formation of a body in order to make a whole: there is a sperm and egg, they combine, it's in this union that individualized consciousness is created... And then there's the birth. From that the atoms formed the molecules that formed the first cell. As the cells multiply the tissue was born into the heart. In the bones the blood the organs, then the tissue and the rest of the body is created in life. The blood carries this beginning simple-consciousness life.

Again we are like the formation of a whole body; we too are forming moment to moment through our experiences of our histories ever growing. But this time, is just another cycle.

Naturally, we act and react through impulse.

We carry the wisdom of our experiences either constructive or destructive. In this wisdom is the ability to discern through these constructive or the destructive acts of ours. The Godliness within does not care how we utilize the manifestation of energy so freely given. The Godliness within does not care about good or bad, right or wrong... we do.

And in order to obtain the wisdom, we learned to discern. Every moment of our lives were given the opportunity of discernment. Here is a simple exercise; stop yourself in compulsions, every disconcertive and destructive thought about yourself or others and think twice. See it, prepare for it and see it twice. This is a lot like taking on the mind of the carnal world. This is what will take the mind out of our everyday living of repetitive common hardship. The mind has to be thrown into shock in order to find and recalibrate itself to the way we were born to follow within. This is the wisdom.

Money is not the question for it is accessible upon our strivings.

Life is fun, if it is not that we’re not doing it right.

Please let me know how this article relates to you.
Please feel free to comment. Click in the subscribe button... it is free.

Sincerely and in the Grace of God,

Mark Earlix

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Being Afraid

 Hello everyone,

 I just wanted to start a "brief" discussion. If you choose, we can greatly expand upon this:         

The world is changing very quickly now... and it is very difficult to keep up with it technologically and emotionally.

I know of many many people that are afraid. There is a feeling of being intimidated, scared, insecure and not knowing what to do next. Many of these people and friends are losing their livelihood or emotional comfort zone.

It really doesn't matter how much we learned or don't learn to keep up with as these things that are happening in the world around us as they begin to surround us too. What really matters is that there will always be a place for us and we will fit in... " as long as we can remember our Source and maintain within ourselves."

The world isn't ostracizing us or anyone. We carry so many fears inside of us! We often let the fears disable us... In reality these may be the fears we have carried since childhood.

Maybe, it is good that we feel and see these wild fearful visualizations. It may be that the fears "mind/will" are the very dynamics that'll help us to break free and awaken to clear thinking and action.

After all, I would also assume that everyone here is being taught by their teachers or from inside that "there's something good and just for us in all things". .. and that we are creators in our own lives. Isn't it written in the great book " we are created in the image of God". If this is true, then we also have the ability to re-create in Its image.  And this is true, then we are truly re-creators. Tho oftentimes our minds are not on this expression and we don't think of the repercussions of the mass-mind of distructive thought.

Please let me know how this article relates to you.

Please feel free to comment. Click in the subscribe button... it is free.

God bless and in the Light of God,
Mark Earlix

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Welcome! Alternative Medicine: A Healer in Nashville


There are many places in Nashville to experience my gift of healing....for free. This is an opportunity for you to meet me, have a healing experience or just observe.

I have 2 Free Healing Circles in town.
Center of Symmetry
Every Thursday
6:30 pm
212 Louise Avenue (off West End)
Nashville, Tn 37203

Unity Church
Every Wednesday
7 pm
First Unity Church
5125 Franklin Road
Nashville, TN 37220

I also take personal appointments. Please read my blog pages to learn more about appointments

In addition  I conduct workshops in Phoenix, Chicago and here in Nashville area watch for announcements on my workshops.

You may wish to Follow Me and subscribe, this is free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Sincerely and In the Love of God,

Mark Earlix

Facebook: Mark Earlix